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Lawn Treatment Program


Anyone can buy a bag of 'weed and feed' at their local store and spread it onto their lawn. Don't get it confused with the professional lawn treatment service provided by us at Dean's Landscaping LLC. We are experts in the life cycles of cool season grasses, weeds and their predatory hosts (insects & diseases). Bluegrass, Ryegrass, fescue..they all have different nutrient requirements and our service provides a measured application of all the right "food" at all the right times.


Below is our entire list of services in our full programs, but by having a technician come out and evaluate your lawn, we will customize a scheduled program based on necessity, delivering everything your turf grass and soil are lacking. Contact us today for a lawn evaluation and let our experts diagnose and prescribe the remedy needed to bring your lawn to life!

Lawn Applications


Professional Grade Fertilizer


Broadleaf Weed Control


Crabgrass Weed Control


Grub Control


Insect & Disease Control


Lime Application

Fall Applications


RD 5 - Early Fall

Professional Grade Fertilizer - Winterizer  

To bulk roots and influence nutrient storage for over wintering

Weed Control of winter annuals

Spot treatment where necessary


RD 6 - Late Fall

Professional Grade Fertilizer

***This application normally in addition to or replaced by a lime application to maintain the correct pH level in your soil for a fresh start the following year.***

   Summer Applications


RD 3 - Early Summer

Professional Grade Fertilizer

application to help combat the harsh summer heat

Weed control

spot treatment where necessary

Grub Control application done this round.


RD 4 - Late Summer

Professional Grade Fertilizer 

Insect & disease evaluation

and treated where necessary

Weed Control

spot treatment where necessary


Spring Applications


RD 1 - Early Spring

Professional Grade Fertlizer

treatment to help rebound dormant grass from winter.

Pre-emergent broadleaf weed & crabgrass control


RD 2 - Late Spring 

Professional Grade Fertilizer 

Grass is growing rapdily, fed to strengthen.

Post - emergent broadleaf weed & crabgrass control. 

Weeds continue to sprout after pre-emergent treatment. This preventative blanket treatment will prevent germination and eradicate existing weeds.

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