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Shrub Treatment Program


Just like your grass, your ornamentals make up an important part of the appearance of your landscape. They, like grass, need the same attention to remain as healthy as possible. Maximizing shrubs colors and flowering is made possible through even a few select treatments a year to help them improve and maintain their vigor. 

Horticultural Oil


Horticultural Oil is an effective and environmentally conscious remedy to those overwintering insects in your trees and shrubs. The oil is applied thoroughly to cover any overwintering insects in foliage to prevent their hatching and spring feeding that results in damage.



Shrubs are often planted in places that contradict their natural habitat needed for success. WIthout proper light, soil consistency and air circulation they may be struggling and need a boost of fertilization to receive their necessary nutrient intake. Whether its a struggling plant, or a healthy one, foliar fertilization or a soil drench will benefit your prized tree or shrub.

Deer Repellent


Anyone who has gardened or planted vegetables with hopes of reaping the fruit of your labor has known that deer can be your biggest enemy. The treatment does not harm your plants or the deer, but simply makes the leaf tissue taste unappetizing.


We provide one application in the fall to help repel them over the winter months. It does not effect the plant from an aesthetic standpoint and is safe for all other wildlife as well.


Since deer feed nearly year round, we also provide applications that would be applied on a monthly basis during their growing season. The applications start in April and last through the end of fall. 



A winterizer treatment is to reduce the amount of overwintering insects as well as strengthening the plant to deal with potentially feet of heavy snow they will be buried under for months.

Insect Control


Insects damage shrubs by chewing or sucking the leaf tissue resulting in notched leaves, dead or dying leaves and yellowing or browning of their normally green color. Our shrub analysis will identify the pathogen, determine its life cycle and use a variety of tools to prevent or eradicate any unwanted inhabitants. Depending on the pathogen, a systemic or foliar insecticide may be used. Regardless of the problem, an environmentally conscious IPM approach is taken before any insecticide or fungicide treatment is applied. 

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